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Reminder: Fall 2020 Magnet Parent/Guardian Survey (Deadline 12/18/20 by 5:00 PM)

Southeast MS DREAMS Magnet Families:

We feel fortunate to welcome you and your child to our magnet program this year. Our efforts to continue providing a high quality program to our families is in part informed by our bi-annual Magnet Parent Survey. This survey is given once in the Fall and once in the Spring semester. The results of the survey are shared with our administrators, magnet coordinator, and teachers so we can understand what we're doing well, and work together to address any insights our parents provide for us on how we can take our program to the next level.

The Fall 2020 Magnet Parent Survey is now available. Use your phone to scan the QR code below or click on the survey link here:


The Fall 2020 Magnet Parent Survey will close on Friday, December 18, 2020 at 5:00 PM. Please be sure to submit your survey well before the deadline!

Should you have any questions or have trouble accessing the survey, please reach out to Ms. Yi, Magnet Coordinator via Class Dojo or by email at